Questions That You Should Ask At A Hair Treatment Clinic

Soma Adhikary
2 min readJul 23, 2021


If you are looking for a clinic for your hair loss treatment in Kolkata or anywhere else in India, you should consider proceeding with the list of questions that are listed down below.

As hair transplant is not an easy step to encounter, you as a patient might be in doubt or worried about forgetting important points that you need to ponder upon. To help you with that, here I have put together some basic points or questions that are important to ask a hair plant surgeon at the clinic — read below to find out.

1st question to ask, whether you are a suitable candidate for hair transplantation surgery. If you visit a clinic for your hair loss treatment, the surgeon will assess factors that will include your age, any kind of pre-existing health condition, and your hair addressing its quality and other determining feature. If by the preceding you get qualified for the treatment — congratulations. If by any chance you don’t, the surgeon will suggest an alternative step to regain or slow down the hair loss.

2nd be sure about the surgeon qualifications. As a patient, you must know the qualification of the surgeon who will be treating you. Make sure to check his past impressions and certificates and, if possible, you could do internal research as well on a personal level.

3rd raise question about the recovery time; it takes around two to three weeks for an FUE hair transplant recovery. During the recovery period you need to follow the stipulated guideline given by the surgeon, so ask for it prior to the surgery.

These are some of the basic questions that you should ask at a hair loss treatment clinic in Kolkata, adding to you may also enquire about the cost and the stipulated time that will require to show the results.



Soma Adhikary

I am market analyst by profession and blogging is my favorite activity.